Thursday, June 11, 2009

Week # 2 Comments

My Comments to Shaina Week #2

Shaina,I totally agree!! I felt like the show slmost fed into all the hype going on. From what I see kate is on the road alot and why isn't that shown?? Not to mention she is a tad rough on John. They seem to forget all the previous seasons and how people reacted to how mean she was to him. I do get she has to be organized and stern to keep things moving with 8 kids but sometimes she was just plain out mean. I feel like one season they are going against Kate for being too strong or even "manly" and taking charge and now this season it is taking a blow at manhood and what Jon is doing wrong. It is a shame because when the show started it was a nice, intersting show to watch because of their unique situation now it is just another show overtaken by sterotypes and the media.
May 26, 2009 6:40 PM

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