Saturday, June 27, 2009

Week #6 Comments to Rhiannon

Iagree!! I feel like women sometimes have to be torn about wheter to work or stay home with there childern. It is such a hard choice to make because you work so harc for your career but you also don't want to miss your child's life. Not to mention you don't want to leave your child at a day car when they could be home with you. I agree that people need to get the facts before making opinoins. My parents had to both work. They got divorced when i was 9 and my mom had to work even more to keep our household running. Poeple should never comment unless they have walked in the other persons shoes!!
June 27, 2009 9:08 AM

Friday, June 26, 2009

WEEK #6 Eureka Moment

My Eureka Moment came to me while watching an episode of Maury when I was home sick this week. (HAHA) I could not understand a few things.....1) Why would women you slept with so many men that they already tested 10 guys who were NOT the father continue to embassess themselves on national television. 2) WHy do people feel like it is a good time to reveal to their husband/boyfriend that they may not be the father to further embrass them not just with their family but all of America? My Eureka Moment is this...women no longer feel modest, afraid or anything when it comes to sex. They have no shame in the fact that they have no clue who the father of their child is. This brings me back to my project where old Tv shows would show 2 seperate beds for husbands and wives NOW these women are bringing 10 guys on Tv to figure out who the father is. Is crazy to me especially since the window to concieve is not that within a small period she slept with that many people. WHERE DID OUR SELF RESPECT GO??? that is what I felt like jumping through the tv and saying.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

WEEK # 1 Comments

RESPONSE TO ASHLEY O.I love that when you read this you thought you would be a feminist after this class. I stopped for a second when I first read that part of the book too as was wodnering if I was one. I took Psych of Gender, Psych of Women and now this. I am not a feminist yet but it caught my attention. I sometimes felt like in my other 2 classes it was almost all girls so it turned into a club against men lol. I think this course is going to be great bcause we can see all type sof views...then we can decide if we are feminsits lol.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Week # 5 Response to Ashley

Ashley,IT is funny you say this because if I stopand think about my job whenever it comes to lifting something or doing anything to maual it is always assumed one of the guys will do it for me. Like before I even try someone is behind me like no..noo I got it! Like I am in capaable of doing anything that involves "labor" case people forgot speaking of labor we do give borth to children and they say a man could never go through it. It is too bad that people don;t pay more attention because maybe it would change. I feel like I never really notices because Ijust got so use to it. AND is a guy to strong and manly to do desk work LOL. You should tell the guys at your place to switch for a day and see how it goes.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

WEEK #5 Eureka Moment

My Eureka Moment came when I learned about these groups of men who are feminsits. I think it is amazing. I had no idea they existed until I did the reading this past weekend. My eureka moment is that it is great that their are men who feel like women are capable of all the same things as men (I know many men do) BUT they feel so strong they actually stand up for this issue. WOW!!!!There are not too many more words other than how nice this was to learn about.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Week # 4 Commet to Shaina

It is shame that we have to see the visiion of what women "should" be. Like if I drink that Orange juice I will look like that and not have a care in the world. I will be jumping around singing. I will tell you why she is all happy...because she got paid to do that. If someone pays me I will since in a spoon. LOL I learned in Psych of Women all about how the media uses body image and weight to get to women. It awful! I am not saying we should be fat BUT we shouldn't be told what to be!
June 12, 2009 6:01 PM

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Week # 4 Eureka Moment

So my eureka moment came to me when I though about how I really don't have that many male friends. I use to be one of those girls who had guy and girl friends and was equally close with them. Then I looked at my younger sister who has like all guy friends and only 1 close female friend. I realized she has so many guy fiends because all the girls don't like her because she is friends with these guys. I was equal with my friends where she is one of the girls who the guys love to hang out with But their girl friends hate. Haha! So my moment is this....girls and guys can be friends BUT can you have both??? This is the million $$ question.

Week #1 Post

When I started to read yesterday everything seemed so interesting and the reading came easy. When I got to page 23 I felt like my mind started to wonder. I was reading "Social Views of Intersexuality" and alls I could think of was the most recent Real World on MTV. There was a girl names Kaitlyn on the show who was born a trangendered. She was born a male and became a female by choice. She even had surgery to make her genetalia female. This article really made me think because the said when infants were born with both gentalia they did "normalizing surgery" to make them either male or female. This was my Eureka Moment. It was so unbeleivable to me that they parents or doctors would decide what sex the infant would be. Instead of letting them grow up and either decide on their own to get surgery or to live as an intersexed person. It got my thoughts going on how mean some people were to that girl Kaitlyn on MTV. They would not let her just be what made her feel comfortable it was like she had to appease the world and make them comfortable. I hope to learn more about it as the class goes on!!

Week # 2 Comments

My Comments to Shaina Week #2

Shaina,I totally agree!! I felt like the show slmost fed into all the hype going on. From what I see kate is on the road alot and why isn't that shown?? Not to mention she is a tad rough on John. They seem to forget all the previous seasons and how people reacted to how mean she was to him. I do get she has to be organized and stern to keep things moving with 8 kids but sometimes she was just plain out mean. I feel like one season they are going against Kate for being too strong or even "manly" and taking charge and now this season it is taking a blow at manhood and what Jon is doing wrong. It is a shame because when the show started it was a nice, intersting show to watch because of their unique situation now it is just another show overtaken by sterotypes and the media.
May 26, 2009 6:40 PM

My Comments to Week 3 Posts

My Comment to Mario Week 3

Mario,I totally agree. I like my last name and it will always be apart of me. i assume when I get married I will change my last name. BUT I DO NOT want to be defined as "so & So's" wife or MRs. Whatever!! Tell your daughter I said Way To Go!! Congrats on getting into Rider's MBA!
June 5, 2009 1:48 PM

My Comments to Week 3 Posts

My Comment to Prof. M
I seen that show a few times with my mom. I usually laugh the whole time. I think any of those shows where they are fighting for someones love along with 20 other people is crazy. Notice how most of them never work out. Don't get me wrong I watch them because they are entertaining and hilarious. Flavor of Love, Rock of Love, I Love New York and all the others are crazy. Really the show is there for the star to become popular not for love. This "Cougar" may pick one but I am sure the producers are "guiding" her so the most entertaining people stay as long as possible. I totally agree that you can't really be in love unitl you are 1 on 1 with someone.
June 5, 2009 10:45:00 AM PDT

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Eureka Moment #3

SO.....My Eureka moments for the first 2 weeks came from the reading...Not this week! After doing my DB posting for this week I was talking about it with my boyfriend. He and his family are big soccer fans so I knew he seen it. We got into the discussion about women and men and how it is wrong for her to rip her shirt off but not a man. BUT!!!!! In movies and certain HBO sitcoms it is on to show a women with her breasts out for the world to see and even some show women completely naked....why do they hardly ever show men in the buff??!! That is what is sexist! it is wrong for Brandi to rip her jersey off and be in a sports bra but a movie can show a woman full frontal and it is ok? My eureka moment is this...if a woman can be naked in movie or show then she can for damn sure can rip her shirt off after winning an amazing soccer game and run in around in her sports bra! Not to mention why do the men get to see all these naked women in movies?? We need some men action too just so we can even the score. LOL I will never forget the first time I watched Old School! So I heard it was funny I was about 18 or so and my cousin (12) and my sister (13) were with me as well as my dad and step-mom. i should of known it was bad when the play screen had boobs on it...but we went on with it. By the time it was half way through I was mortified and my father had yelled me and left the room. My sister says, " Why is it only girls who are naked?" I thought to myself yea why is that? At that point my dad returned but only to shut the movie off and yell at me again :)! But from that moment on whenever I see naked women I wonder where are the men? It is ok to show 100 pairs of breasts in a movie but a penis is out of the question?? If it is rated R or whatever and a women can be fully naked then why not a man? I mean they can rip there shirts off all day but a women who does it makes a huge splash in the media. Fair? I think not!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Week #2- Eureka MomentBecoming Gendered from Birth

This week my Eureka Moment came to me in the 7th chapter of our reading. I could not believe how gendered we really are from babies on up. I always new we wore pink of we were a girl and blue for boy BUT I never though about only being able to play with "girl" toys or not being able to do certain things like get dirty because I am a girl. When I was little my father did so much with me. i went fishing and baited my own line, went bowling, also my dad is a mechanic so I always wanted to pretend I was fixing cars. So maybe I was one of the few children who was allowed to do "boy" things. Really, what was my Eureka Moment was the fact that parents went so over board to make sure their girls were girly and their boys were boyish. Is it really that big of a deal if your son likes dolls at the age of 2 or 3. My brother is going on 5 and when he was about 2 he use to take my purse and walk around with it. i thought my dad and boyfriend were going to pass out!! It was ok when I was little to want to fish and play with cars BUT my brother canNOT touch my purse!! I am interested in if any parents read this what they think since I am not a parent?!?!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hi Everyone! Can't wait to work with everyone!